Journal Publications
(Superscript Indicators: ‡ Thermal Engineering Group (TEG) graduate student, ‡‡ TEG undergraduate student, ⁑ TEG postdoctoral researcher, † equal contribution, * corresponding author)
- Guo, J.‡, Wang, R.‡, Zhang, S.‡ and Antao, D.*, “Temperature dependency of the apolar surface tension component for water and its role in classifying apolar and polar interfacial interactions”, 2023, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, v. 127, n. 36
- Zhang, S.‡, Wang, R.‡, Adera, S., Guo, J.‡, Wang, Y.‡‡ and Antao, D.*, “Prediction of hemiwicking dynamics in micropillar arrays”, 2023, Physics of Fluids, v. 35, n. 8
- Wang, R.‡ and Antao, D.*, “Effect of meniscus curvature on phase-change performance during capillary-enhanced filmwise condensation in porous media”, 2023, Frontiers in Thermal Engineering- Thermal Science and Energy Systems, v. 3
- Kazi, A. A., Akhter, M., Antao, D., Staack, D. and Tai, B. L.*, “The Effects of Plasma Pre-cracking on Drilling of Hard Rocks: A Single Insert Cutting Experiment”, 2023, Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, v. 145, n. 6
- Wang, R.‡, Guo, J.‡, Muckleroy, E.‡‡ and Antao, D.*, “Robust Silane Self-assembled Monolayer Coatings on Plasma-engineered Copper Surfaces Promoting Dropwise Condensation”, 2022, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, v. 194
- Wang, R.‡, Jakhar, K.‡, Ahmed, S.‡‡ and Antao, D.*, “Condensation‑Mediated Degradation of Organofunctional Silane Coatings on Silicon”, 2021, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, v. 13, n. 29
- Long, C. T., Wang R.‡, Shoalmire, C., Antao, D.*, Shamberger, P. J.* and Grunlan, J. C.*, “Efficient Heat Shielding of Steel with Multilayer Nanocomposite Thin Film”, 2021, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, v. 13, n. 16
- Anita, Zaheer, W., Jakhar, K.‡, Antao, D., Gupta, S., Banerjee, S.*, “Powder bed coating of bitumen with asphaltenes to obtain solid prills for midstream transportation”, 2021, Fuel, v. 302
- Wilke, K. L., Antao, D., Cruz, S., Iwata, R., Zhao, Y., Leroy, A., Preston, D. J., and Wang, E. N.*, “Polymer Infused Porous Surfaces (PIPS) for Robust, Thermally Conductive, Self-Healing Coatings for Dropwise Condensation”, 2020, ACS Nano, v. 14, n. 11
- Antao, D.*, Wilke, K., Sack, J., Xu, Z., Preston, D., and Wang, E. N.*, “Jumping droplet condensation in internal convective vapor flow”, 2020, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, v. 163
- Hanks, D. F.†, Lu, Z.†, Sircar, J., Kinefuchi, I., Bagnall, K. R., Salamon, T. R., Antao, D., Barabadi, B. and Wang, E. N.*, “High Heat Flux Evaporation of Low Surface Tension Liquids from Nanoporous Membranes”, 2020, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, v. 12, n. 6
- Wang, R.‡, Jakhar, K.‡ and Antao, D.*, “Unified Modeling Framework for Thin-Film Evaporation from Micropillar Arrays Capturing Local Interfacial Effects”, 2019, Langmuir, v. 35, n. 40
- Farouk, B.*, Antao, D. and Hasan, N., “Acoustically driven oscillatory flow fields in a cylindrical resonator at resonance”, 2019, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, v. 145, n. 5
- Wang, R.‡ and Antao, D.*, “Capillary Enhanced Filmwise Condensation in Porous Media”, 2018, Langmuir, v. 34, n. 46
- Hanks, D. F., Lu, Z., Sircar, J., Salamon, T. R., Antao, D., Bagnall, K. R., Barabadi, B. and Wang, E. N.*, “Nanoporous membrane device for ultra high heat flux thermal management”, 2018, Microsystems & Nanoengineering, v. 4, n. 1
- Preston, D., Lu, Z., Song, Y., Zhao, Y., Wilke, K., Antao, D., Louis, M., Wang, E. N.*, “Heat Transfer Enhancement during Water and Hydrocarbon Condensation on Lubricant Infused Surfaces”, 2018, Scientific Reports, v. 8, n. 1
- Adera, S., Antao, D., Raj, R. and Wang, E. N.*, “Hotspot Thermal Management via Thin-Film Evaporation-Part II: Modeling”, 2018, IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology, v. 8, n. 1
- Adera, S., Antao, D., Raj, R. and Wang, E. N.*, “Hotspot Thermal Management via Thin-Film Evaporation-Part I: Experimental Characterization”, 2018, IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology, v. 8, n. 1
- Preston, D., Song, Y., Lu, Z., Antao, D. and Wang, E. N.*, “Design of Lubricant Infused Surfaces”, 2017, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, v. 9, n. 48
- Lu, Z.†, Preston, D.†, Antao, D., Zhu, Y. and Wang, E. N.*, “Coexistence of pinning and moving on a contact line”, 2017, Langmuir, v. 33, n. 36
- Zhu, Y., Antao, D., Bian, D., Rao, S., Sircar, J., Zhang, T. and Wang, E. N.*, “Suppressing high-frequency temperature oscillations in microchannels with surface structures”, 2017, Applied Physics Letters, v. 110, n. 3
- Lu, Z.†, Salamon, T.†, Narayanan, S., Bagnall, K., Hanks, D., Antao, D., Barabadi, B., Sircar, J., Simon, M. E. and Wang, E. N.*, “Design and modeling of membrane-based evaporative cooling devices for thermal management of high heat fluxes”, 2016, IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology, v. 6, n. 7
- Adera, S., Antao, D., Raj, R. and Wang, E. N.*, “Design of Micropillar Wicks for Thin-Film Evaporation”, 2016, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, v. 101
- Zhu, Y., Antao, D., Chu, K.-H., Chen, S., Hendricks, T., Zhang, T. and Wang, E. N.*, “Surface Structure Enhanced Microchannel Flow Boiling”, 2016, Journal of Heat Transfer, v. 138, n. 9
- Zhu, Y., Antao, D., Zhang, T. and Wang, E. N.*, “Suppressed Dry-out in Two-Phase Microchannels via Surface Structures”, 2016 Journal of Heat Transfer, v. 138, n. 8 (Photogallery)
- Zhu, Y., Antao, D., Lu, Z., Somasundaram, S., Zhang, T. and Wang, E. N.*, “Prediction and Characterization of Dry-out Heat Flux in Micropillar Wick Structures”, 2016, Langmuir, v. 32, n. 7
- Antao, D., Adera, S., Farias, E., Raj, R. and Wang, E. N.*, “Visualization of the Evaporating Liquid-Vapor Interface in Micropillar Arrays”, 2016, Journal of Heat Transfer, v. 138, n. 2 (Photogallery)
- Antao, D., Adera, S., Zhu, Y., Farias, E., Raj, R. and Wang, E. N.*, “Dynamic evolution of the evaporating liquid-vapor interface in micropillar arrays”, 2016, Langmuir, v. 32, n. 2
- Zhu, Y., Antao, D., Xiao, R. and Wang, E. N.*, “Real-Time Manipulation with Magnetically Tunable Structures”, 2014, Advanced Materials, v. 26, n. 37
- Hasan, N., Antao, D. and Farouk, B.*, “DC Negative Corona Discharge in Atmospheric Pressure Helium: Transition from the Corona to the ‘Normal’ Glow Regime”, 2014, Plasma Sources Science and Technology, v. 23, n. 3
- Antao, D. and Farouk, B.*, “Wave-shaping of pulse tube cryocooler components for improved performance”, 2014, Cryogenics, v. 64
- Farouk, T., Antao, D. and Farouk, B.*, “Atmospheric pressure direct current H2/CH4 micro-glow discharge simulations: Effects of external circuit”, 2014, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, v. 42, n. 7
- Antao, D. and Farouk, B.*, “Numerical and experimental characterization of the inertance effect on pulse tube refrigerator performance”, 2014, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, v. 76
- Antao, D. and Farouk, B.*, “High amplitude non-linear acoustic wave driven flow fields in circular and conical resonators”, 2013, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, v. 134, n. 2
- Antao, D. and Farouk, B.*, “Experimental and Numerical Investigations of an Orifice type Cryogenic Pulse Tube Refrigerator”, 2013, Applied Thermal Engineering, v. 50
- Farouk, B.* and Antao, D., “Numerical Analysis of an OPTR: Optimization for Space Applications”, 2012, Cryogenics, v. 52
- Antao, D. and Farouk, B.*, “Numerical Simulations of Transport Processes in a Pulse Tube Cryocooler: Effects of Taper Angle”, 2011, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, v. 54
- Antao, D. and Farouk, B.*, “Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulations of an Orifice type Pulse Tube Refrigerator: Effects of Operating Frequency”, 2011, Cryogenics, v. 15
- Antao, D., Staack, D., Fridman, A. and Farouk, B.*, “Atmospheric pressure DC corona discharges: operating regimes and potential applications”, 2009, Plasma Sources Science and Technology, v. 18, n. 3
Patents (Granted and Applications) and Disclosures
- Staack, D., Antao, D., Akhter, M. and Whitson, H., “Methods and Systems for Identifying and Measuring Elements Using Micro-Plasma Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy”, 2023, U.S. Provisional Patent Application No.: 63/536,300
- Staack, D. and Antao, D., “Plasma-Enhanced Precipitation of Stable Metals, Metal Salts and Metal Complexes from Extreme Salinity Waste Water”, 2023, U.S. Provisional Patent Application No.: 63/443,976
- Antao, D. and Wang, R., “Process to Synthesize/Integrate Durable/Robust Low Surface Energy “Hydrophobic” Dropwise Condensation Promoter Coatings on Metal Oxide Surfaces”, 2022, U.S. Patent Application No.: 17/903,079
- Gardner, M., Antao, D., Sankarraman, S. R., Zhang, S. and Talebi,D., “Heatsink with slits to reduce the eddy current losses”, 2022, S. Provisional Patent Application No.: 63/314,243
- Toliyat, H., Gardner, M., Shamberger, P., Benedict, M., Grunlan, J., Antao, D., Rasmussen, B., Felts, J. and Enjeti, P., “High Torque Density Electric Machine with Directly Cooled End Windings”, 2021, Patent Application No.: PCT/US2021/032304
- Staack, D., Tai, L.‑J., Antao, D. and Tang, X., “Systems and Methods for forming a subterranean borehole”, 2021, U.S. Patent Application No.: 17/288,648
- Wang, E. N., Zhu, Y., Chu, K.‑H., and Antao, D., “Enhanced flow boiling heat transfer in microchannels with structured surfaces”, 2020, U.S. Patent No.: US 10,867,887 B2
Conference Presentations/Proceedings
(Superscript Indicators: ‡ Thermal Engineering Group (TEG) graduate student, ‡‡ TEG undergraduate student, † presenter when more than one author)
- Zhang, S.‡,†, Wang, R.‡, Guo, J.‡, Wang, Y.‡‡ and Antao, D., “A Semi-Analytical Model to Predict Hemiwicking Dynamics in Micropillar Arrays”, American Society of Mechanical Engineers 2023 Summer Heat Transfer Conference, July 10‑12, 2023
- Zhang, S.‡,†, Chakravarty, S., Park, D., Malone, N., Wang, Y.‡‡, Iverson, E. T., Sankarraman, S.‑R., Talebi, D., Toliyat, H., Gardner, M. C., Grunlan, J., Felts, J., Rasmussen, B., Shamberger, P. and Antao, D., “A hybrid single/two‑phase cooling approach enabling power dense electric motors for next generation all-electric aircraft”, American Society of Mechanical Engineers 2023 Summer Heat Transfer Conference, July 10‑12, 2023
- Guo, J.‡,†, Wang, R.‡ and Antao, D., “Temperature-Dependent Components of Polar Liquid Surface Tension”, Micro Flow and Interfacial Phenomena (mFIP) 2023 Conference, June 18‑21, 2023
- Guo, J.‡,†, Wang, R.‡ and Antao, D., “Temperature-Independent Components of Non-polar and Polar Liquid Surface Tension”, American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics Meeting, November 20‑22, 2022
- Wang, R.‡,†, Guo, J.‡ and Antao, D., “Robust Silane Self‑Assembled Monolayer Coatings on Plasma-Engineered Copper Surfaces Promoting Dropwise Condensation”, Materials Research Society Fall Meeting, November 29 – December 2, 2021
- Wang, R.‡,†, Jakhar, K.‡, Ahmed, S.‡‡ and Antao, D., “Understanding Condensation-Mediated Degradation of Low Surface Energy Monolayer Coatings on Silicon Surfaces”, American Society of Mechanical Engineers 2021 Summer Heat Transfer Conference, June 16‑18, 2021
- Wang, R.‡,†, Jakhar, K.‡, Ahmed, S.‡‡ and Antao, D., “Enhanced Robustness of the Silane Self-Assembled Monolayer Coatings during Water Vapor Condensation”, National Science Foundation and Japan Science and Technology Agency Joint Workshop: Thermal Transport, Materials Informatics and Quantum Computing, March 24‑26, 2021
- Akhter, M.†, Mallams, J., Tang, X., Kazi, A., Kao, Y.-T., Kumar, S.‡, Tai, B., Antao, D., Palazollo, A., Staack, D., “Shockwave and Plasma Accelerated Rock Cracking (SPARC) for hard rock drilling”, American Physical Society 73rd Annual Gaseous Electronics Virtual Conference, October 5‑9, 2020
- Akhter, M.†, Mallams, J., Tang, X., Kazi, A., Kao, Y.-T., Kumar, S.‡, Tai, B., Antao, D., Palazollo, A., Staack, D., “Plasma pulse rock drilling to induce micro-cracks for reduced cutting energy and increased rate of penetration”, American Physical Society 72nd Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference, October 28 – November 1, 2019
- Wang, R.‡, Jakhar, K.‡ and Antao, D.†, “Thin-Film Evaporation From Micropillar Arrays: Effect of the Liquid-Vapor Interface on Transport”, American Society of Mechanical Engineers 2019 Summer Heat Transfer Conference, July 14‑17, 2019
- Wang, R.‡,†, Jakhar, K.‡ and Antao, D., “Capillary-Enhanced Filmwise Condensation in Porous Media: Effect of the Wick Thickness on Condensation Enhancement”, American Society of Mechanical Engineers 2019 Summer Heat Transfer Conference, July 14‑17, 2019
- Jakhar, K.‡,†, Wang, R.‡ and Antao, D., “Effect of Temperature on the Surface Tension Components of Polar Liquids”, American Society of Mechanical Engineers 2019 Summer Heat Transfer Conference, July 14‑17, 2019
- Wang, R.‡, Jakhar, K.‡ and Antao, D.†, “Enhanced Evaporation and Condensation with Microporous Wicks”, Gordon Research Conference on Micro & Nanoscale Phase Change Heat Transfer, February 3-8, 2019
- Wang, R.‡, Deb, S.‡ and Antao, D.†, “Capillary-Enhanced Filmwise Condensation with Engineered Condenser Surfaces”, 3rd Thermal Fluids Engineering Conference, March 4‑7, 2018
- Antao, D.†, Preston, D., Zhu, Y., Adera, S., Lu, Z. and Wang, E., “Dynamic Wetting and Wicking on Rough Surfaces”, Gordon Research Conference on Micro & Nanoscale Phase Change Heat Transfer, January 8-13, 2017
- Antao, D.†, Preston, D., Adera, S., Zhu, Y. and Wang, E., “Dynamics of Wetting and Wicking on Rough Surfaces”, American Physical Society March Meeting, March 14‑18, 2016
- Antao, D.†, Adera, S., Farias, E., Raj, R. and Wang, E., “Dynamics of the Evaporating Liquid-Vapor Interface in Micropillar Arrays”, Thermal Fluids Engineering Summer Conference, August 9-12, 2015
- Antao, D.†, Adera, S., Raj, R. and Wang, E., “Probing the liquid-vapour interface during phase-change heat transfer”, Gordon Research Conference on Micro & Nanoscale Phase Change Heat Transfer, January 11-16, 2015
- Antao, D.† and Farouk, B., “Non-Linear High Amplitude Oscillations in Wave-shaped Resonators”, American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics Meeting, November 20‑22, 2011
- Antao, D.† and Farouk, B., “Experimental and Numerical Characterization of an Orifice type Cryogenic Pulse Tube Refrigerator”, American Society of Mechanical Engineers 2011 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, November 11-17, 2011
- Antao, D.† and Farouk, B., “Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulations of an Inertance type Pulse Tube Refrigerator”, American Society of Mechanical Engineers 2010 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, November 12-18, 2010
- Antao, D.† and Farouk, B., “Flow and Heat Transfer Processes in an Inertance type Pulse Tube Refrigerator”, 16th International Cryocooler Conference, May 17-20, 2010
- Antao, D.†, Staack, D., Fridman, A. and Farouk, B., “Characterization of Atmospheric Pressure DC Corona Discharges for Thin Film Deposition”, American Physical Society 62nd Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference, October 20-23, 2009
- Farouk, B., Antao, D.† and Fridman, A., “DC Corona Discharges in Liquids for Thin Film Deposition”, American Physical Society 62nd Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference, October 20-23, 2009
- Antao, D.†, Staack, D., Fridman, A. and Farouk, B, “Characterization of Atmospheric Pressure DC Corona Discharges for Thin Film Deposition”, Gordon Research Conference on Plasma Science, July 20-23, 2008
Peer-Reviewed Conference Publications
(Superscript Indicators: † equal contribution)
- Sircar, J., Zhu, Y., Rao, S., Antao, D., Zhang, T., Wang, E. N., “Surface structure enhanced microchannel flow boiling of HFE-7000”, 6th Micro and Nano Flows Conference, September 9‑12, 2018
- Zhang, L.†, Zhu, Y.†, Rao, S. R., Bagnall, K. R., Antao, D., Leroy, A., Zhao, L., Bhatia, B., Kelsall, C. C. and Wang, E. N., “In Situ Temperature Measurement of Evaporation in Micropillar Wick Structures using Micro-Raman Spectroscopy”, 16th International Heat Transfer Conference, August 10-15, 2018
- Wilke, K. L., Kalinina, K. B., Zhu, Y., Preston, D. J., Antao, D., Wang, E. N., “Enhancement of Dry-out Heat Flux in Non-uniform Variable-Permeability Wicking Structures”, 16th International Heat Transfer Conference, August 10-15, 2018
- Adera, S., Antao, D., Raj, R., Wang, E. N., “Thin-film evaporation from micropillar wicks in ambient environment”, The Intersociety Conference on Thermal and Thermomechanical Phenomena in Electronic Systems, May 30 – June 2, 2017
- Sircar, J., Hanks, D. F., Lu, Z., Salamon, T. R., Bagnall, K. R., Narayanan, S., Antao, D., Barabadi, B., Wang, E. N., “High heat flux evaporation from nanoporous silicon membranes”, The Intersociety Conference on Thermal and Thermomechanical Phenomena in Electronic Systems, May 30 – June 2, 2017
- Adera, S., Antao, D., Raj, R., Wang, E. N., “Experimental Characterization and Modeling of Capillary-Pumped Thin-Film Evaporation from Micropillar Wicks”, 14th International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels and Minichannels, July 10-14, 2016
- Hanks, D. F., Lu, Z., Sircar, J., Antao, D., Bagnall, K. R., Barabadi, B., Salamon, T. R., Wang, E. N., “High Heat Flux Evaporative Nanoporous Silicon Membrane Device for Advanced Thermal Management”, Hilton Head Workshop 2016: A Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems Workshop, June 5-9, 2016
- Adera, S., Antao, D., Barabadi, B., Raj, R., Wang, E. N., “Extreme Hotspot Heat Flux Thermal Management via Thin-Film Evaporation from Microstructured Surfaces”, Hilton Head Workshop 2016: A Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems Workshop, June 5-9, 2016
- Zhu, Y., Lu, Z., Antao, D., Li, H., Zhang, T-J., Wang, E. N., “Model Optimization of Dry-Out Heat Flux from Micropillar Wick Structures”, The Intersociety Conference on Thermal and Thermomechanical Phenomena in Electronic Systems, May 31 – June 3, 2016
- Adera, S., Antao, D., Raj, R., Wang, E. N., “Hotspot Thermal Management via Thin-Film Evaporation”, The Intersociety Conference on Thermal and Thermomechanical Phenomena in Electronic Systems, May 31 – June 3, 2016
- Hanks, D. F., Lu, Z., Sircar, J., Antao, D., Barabadi, B., Salamon, T., Simon, E., Enright, R., Wang, E. N., “Evaporation Device with Nanoporous Membrane”, International Electronic Packaging Technical Conference and Exhibition, July 6-9, 2015
- Zhu, Y., Antao, D., Bian, D. W., Zhang, T-J. and Wang, E. N., “Reducing Instability and Enhancing Critical Heat Flux using Integrated Micropillars in Two-Phase Microchannel Heat Sinks”, 18th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems, Transducers, June 21-25, 2015
- Lu, Z., Narayanan, S., Hanks, D. F., Raj, R., Xiao, R., Antao, D. and Wang, E. N., “Modeling of Nanoporous Membranes for High Flux Thin Film Evaporation”, 15th International Heat Transfer Conference, August 10-15, 2014
- Zhu, Y.†, Antao, D.†, Chu, K-H., Hendricks, T. J. and Wang, E. N., “Enhanced Flow Boiling Heat Transfer in Microchannels with Structured Surfaces”, 15th International Heat Transfer Conference, August 10-15, 2014
- Antao, D. and Farouk, B., “Un-shocked High Amplitude Standing Waves in Wave-shaped Resonators”, ASME 2012 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, November 09-15, 2012
- Farouk, B. and Antao, D., “Effects of the Inertance Tube Length and Diameter on Pulse Tube Refrigerator Performance”, International Institute of Refrigeration “12th Cryogenics” Conference, September 11-14, 2012
- Farouk, B., Spoor, P., Corey, J. and Antao, D., “A 3-Dimensional Numerical Study of a Co-axial type Acoustic Stirling Cryocooler”, International Institute of Refrigeration “12th Cryogenics” Conference, September 11-14, 2012
- Antao, D. and Farouk, B., “Numerical and Experimental Investigations of an Orifice Type Cryogenic Pulse Tube Refrigerator”, ASME Summer Heat Transfer Conference, July 08‑12, 2012
- Antao, D. and Farouk, B., “Experimental and Numerical Characterization of an Orifice type Cryogenic Pulse Tube Refrigerator”, ASME 2011 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, November 11-17, 2011
- Antao, D. and Farouk, B., “Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulations of an Inertance type Pulse Tube Refrigerator”, ASME 2010 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, November 12-18, 2010
- Antao, D. and Farouk, B., “Flow and Heat Transfer Processes in an Inertance type Pulse Tube Refrigerator”, 16th International Cryocooler Conference, May 17-20, 2010
Invited Book Chapters
- Zhu, Y., Antao, D. and Wang, E. N.*, “Bioinspired Surfaces for Enhanced Boiling”, 2018, Bioinspired Engineering of Thermal Materials, John Wiley & Sons, Editor: T. Deng
- Antao, D., Zhu, Y. and Wang, E. N.*, “Boiling on Enhanced Surfaces”, 2018, Handbook of Thermal Science and Engineering, Springer International Publishing, Editor:F. A. Kulacki